Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The GPS makes you stupid - here's proof

Did you hear about this?

Well, a couple drove to Carpi in Italy instead of Capri, Italy. The fact that it is some 400 miles away from Capri is bad enough, but CAPRI IS AN ISLAND YOU MORON. When you don't cross an expanse of water to get to the place, maybe you should have had second thoughts...

Seriously though, I do feel that a GPS dulls your innate sense of direction. I have asked people how to get to a particular place, and ordinarily, you get a decent response: go this way, you'll see a McDonalds, take a right... whatever. You ask a GPS slave, and you'll draw a blank. Take their precious away, and they'll be reduced to a bunch of blithering idiots behind the wheel.

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