Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weird space issues riding the metro

You know how you're riding on a crowded train and there's someone just a leeeeetle too close to you and both of you know it? It's weird, I mean, because you're as close to this person as s/he is to you, and s/he is obviously as discomfited with your proximity as you are of his/hers, and there's not a damn thing either of you can do about it because you're all packed in like sardines in a rickety box that could kill a bunch of you because it's been three decades since your city's metro has done an overhaul of the train system.

Well, it's worse when this other person is a cute thing. It's all very awkward and all you want to do it get the hell out. Gaack.

Thank goodness we still have pretty rainbows.

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