Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Hurt Locker - quick review

Just came back from watching The Hurt Locker. I had read good reviews about this movie, but I thought it ran the risk of being a CSI type show, except, you know, with a bomb disposal squad, and made for the big screen.

But no, you'd be surprised at how awesome the movie is. It's about the last few weeks of a bomb disposal squad of 3 guys in Bravo company in Iraq in 2004. I've been thinking about what makes this movie so good, but I can't quite put a finger on it. No big names (except a couple neat cameos that I'll let you see for yourself), and it's not like the acting was that great. Also, not that it was visually breathtaking, or that the screenplay was memorable. I am just not quite sure what makes it work, except that I know that I was totally sore from being tensed up and on the edge of my seat for 2 hours. It's not even a crazy adrenaline rush of a movie. Its just taut and tense all along. Great job by Kathryn Bigelow (yep, a chick. Point Break was her too.) directing this flick.

Don't expect a war movie like Platoon or Apocalypse Now; what you'll get instead is a really neat suspense action movie that happens to be set in Iraq.

Definite WATCH.

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