Monday, June 1, 2009

How Fox News killed Dr. Tiller

Surely, you have already heard about this - the doctor from Wichita, Kansas who has been strongly pro-choice, and has performed abortions, including late-term abortions, was killed yesterday by a gunman. He was at Church.

Now, the controversy about late term abortions is valid, and should be debated. But why have a reasoned debate when you can create blind hatred? The right wing loves an enemy, and oh boy, did they ever have one in Dr Tiller. They have always hated the man, and they have created and then stoked the flames of the anti Tiller hysteria so much so that his clinic has been bombed, he has been shot, and his name sullied thoroughly. And now they have killed the man. True to their style, "pro-lifers" remain thoroughly unrepentant.

And if you have seen Fox "News", you would know that this man has been totally demonized by this channel. They have called him a Hitler, a Nazi, an executioner, and they even gave him a name: Tiller the baby killer. They taunt, they threaten, they vilify, and now they're surprised that someone would go and shoot the guy?

Olbermann had a great segment on this tonight. Watch it all the way, and quarantine Fox News. I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. you realize this is the societal equivalent of a pre-emptive strike?

    the right beleives in pre emptive war (which under the right circumstance, I am ok with as well), but why would it shock that they believe in pre-emptive strikes on people as well.

    With the fervent hatred stirred up by either side, this cannot be a surprise.

    Beliefs, like religion, are incredibly dangerous.

    I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

    Terrorism is a matter of who does it and who won. The american revolution were terrorists to the british, but they won, so they are revvered.

    If you've seen john adams on HBO, it seems o unabashedly pro america, yet watching it, it constantly made me wonder what movies would be made about iragi, taliban, chenyan, serbian, etc terrorists if they won.

    Winners write the story. And the story on zealotry vs. tolerance and logic is still be waged in america

    and it will be for decades and generations to come.
