Monday, June 8, 2009

Deep Thought

Why is it that when someone kills somebody else in the name of Jesus, the immediate defense is that the guy "is crazy, he has nothing to do with the real christian religion", but when someone kills someone in the name of Islam, "that's just a flawed religion that teaches people to kill".


Update: Nice comment, Anon. And true too. The Old Testament's God is a pretty vengeful dude. Jesus gets warm and fuzzy and doesn't tell gays they're going to be killed.

1 comment:

  1. An eye for an eye is biblical, but so is turn the other cheek.

    western religion has beome more about showing up and saying you beleive in it, than actually following the intent of the doctirne or even understanding it (given the contradictions: turn the other cheek vs. an eye for an eye).

    If you look at the old testament, god was a rather vengeful, angry, malicious, and perhaps even evil, bipolar and schizophrenic individual.

    This is generally dismissed.

    People generally say they beleive in christ, since he was perceived to be a good guy, caring, understanding, etc. But the biblical (old or new) god is generally kind of a smite-happy person.
