Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fawcett, Jackson... and Billy Mays????

Dude, what the hell??!?!?

Well, we knew Farah was going, but still, it was sad when we heard that she finally succumbed to cancer.

And then we heard about MJ (No, I am not going to link to it; the man's death took down the internet for a few hours, so clearly everyone knows what's up); incredibly sad, what a troubled childhood combined with an incessant spotlight from the media can do to a soul. Say what you may about how crazy he was, but the guy was genius. And he may have made it to a moderately normal life if only the media gave him a chance...

But today, I hear about Billy Mays. I mean, what the hell?!?!? That's just crazy! I loved the guy - who's going to sell us oxyclean now? (certainly not the shamwow guy - he's too busy busting up hookers)

RIP all you guys. And Billy Mays, I'm going to miss your annoying-as-hell high-pitched pitching voice dude...

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