Sunday, June 28, 2009

Crazy Awkward T-shirt moment

So I was gardening today, and a neighbor happened to step outside her house with her children. She was being sweet and waved to me and made her kids wave as well, you know, like a good neighbor. She asked me something about the hydrangeas from beyond the fence, and I went over to my side of the fence to reply to her. I walked over with a giant smile and started talking to her, and all of a sudden her face got all twisted into something very unpleasant, she took her (somewhat startled) kids by the hands and stormed into her house.

I didn't quite understand what had just happened - I mean, I swear I was looking pretty much at her eyes (no lower than the neck at least), gave the kids nothing but a little glance, perhaps made a funny face at one of them. I had no idea, and kept mulling over this strange exchange, until I caught my reflection in the glass door on the way in.

Here's what I was wearing. It's a t-shirt from a German tattoo shop.


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