I came in to work this morning, and found this staring right back at me.
For those of you who don't know what this is about, I freaking LOATHE Bear f*#%ing Grylls. There is evidence of this deep-seated hatred in this blog post, and this one. So I find this little gift, strategically placed, first thing on a fine spring morning, especially diabolical.
And for the one amongst you who went through the pains of obtaining a giant autographed poster of Bear f*#%ing Grylls staring right back at me with his mud-spattered mug (strategically placed by make-up artists, no doubt) and his shit-eating grimace, and then steal into my workplace first thing in the morning to adorn my desk with it, I just have one thing to tell you.
Marry me. We are truly kindred spirits. :) :) :)
This would be like me coming to work and having to park next to a horse and buggy
ReplyDeleteKadar, whats your issue with Bear, yeah his show is definitely not true survival, but its good entertaining television. If the guy was just some douche bag tv star with no survival training then I would get your anger, but the guy is sick, he's former british special forces and he trains the british special forces in survival. Thats one bad mother in my book
ReplyDeleteTrue, true, I just wish he wouldn't do stupid shit when he doesn't have to, AND it's been shown that he flat out lied a bunch of times (I've linked to it in my previous posts. He says he's in the middle of nowhere, and turns out he's 100 ft away from a highway. There's just no excuse for that shit).
ReplyDeleteAlso, who the hell is Kadar? I am Pushupyogi.