Thursday, March 5, 2009

SlumDog Millionaire. Finally.

Verdict: Watch.

Yeah, I finally got to see the movie, after all this time. You know, I had heard SO much about the movie, I was absolutely SURE I was heading in for a massive let-down. But I was pleasantly surprised - this is a very very good movie. I still think MILK deserved best movie, but no real qualms; this was pretty darn good.

1. Fantastic job acting by those kids - all age groups.
2. Unvarnished shot of Bombay. For those of you haven't been there, this is a pretty close description. Very authentic
3. Great performances by Irfan Khan (especially) and Saurav Shukla, the inspector/constable duo.
4. I like the Bollywood plot-line. Leeetle stereotypical towards the end, but all good.
5. Welcome to the big leagues, Dev Patel. Both he and Freida Pinto (who IS Indian) are pretty, pretty people. (Anil Kapoor? meh...)

Also, great job with the English/Hindi when required. I thought it was pretty well done; there were some times when it jarred, but I guess it can't be perfect in a bilingual movie. None of the cuss-words were translated though :)

One last thing: That kid reminds me of myself. A little.

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