Sunday, February 22, 2009

mostly useless Weekend Update

Hm, so what do you do when you are stuck at work on a weekend? You write short weekend updates during incubations.

1. Movie review

Movie: Benjamin Button.

Verdict: Skip.

Explanation: GREAT cinematography (could/should win the Oscar tonight). But THREE HOURS??? I mean, that's longer than Indian movies man. I was fidgeting by hour two, and honestly, all I could think of when he hit adolescence is when the hell he was going to die. I was sort of hoping some sort of motorbike accident in Tibet (or whichever impoverished country he was doing dishes in).

2a. Book review

Book: Bonk

Verdict: Read.

Explanation: Its about science and sex. Enough said. (can't resist one small addendum: its funnier and raunchier than you'd expect)

2b. Book: Naked

Verdict: Read.

Explanation: Its by David Sedaris about David Sedaris. Really funny. But a couple of people have said that some of my writing reminds them of Sedaris, so this really could be self-fellation and nothing more.

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