Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stupid word plays that piss me off

There are many of these, and I do know of people who have almost killed over some of this stupidity, but I am showing restraint today. I have to keep reminding myself that my mum reads this blog.

1. Unnecessary alliteration: There is a whole list of this, but nothing exemplifies this more than college basketball. March Madness. Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight, Final Four. Excuse me while I go and vomit. AND SCREAM AS I VOMIT. WHY? WHY????? Aren't quarterfinals and semifinals (pron. ˈse-mē thankyouverymuch) good enough or you???

1a. Unnecessary redundant alliteration: The words Crispy and Cream are already alliterative. So why change them to Krispy and Kreme??? You thought we may pronounce the words with a soft c???

2. Near-homonyms and near-homonym insertions: I don't want an event to be "funtastic!!!" Its either fun, or fantastic. If its both, call it fun and fantastic. Actually, this will violate the alliteration rule so go for fun and, oh I don't know, marvelous or something.

I also saw this on the metro: Someone who gives up his/her seat to the more needy is a "Conseaterate" apparently. If you show me one person who does NOT think this is extraordinarily lame and devoid of intelligence, tell me and I will beat some sense into their dysfunctional brains.

3. Unnecessary acronyms: PBJ... well... alright. OJ... ok, reeeeallly pushing it. But HBO for Honey Bunches of Oats???

And, as it happens quite often, scientists take the cake: Do you know what LIGHT stands for?
Homologous to lymphotoxin, exhibits inducible expression, competes with herpesvirus glycoprotein D for herpesvirus entry mediator on T cells.

No kidding. Ask any immunologist you know.

4. Unnecessary quasi-technical jargon. Listen, if you want to say OK say OK. Saying 10-4 when you're not a cop on duty sounds pretty retarded, even if you think it makes you sound cool. Ditto for computer users. Nothing spells NERD more than calling someone a little less knowledgeable about computers than you a 404. You my be snickering now, but the joke's on you, you little jerk.

5. Stupid hybrid words: There are literally hundreds of these but nothing worse than the word I currently hate the most in the English language....




webinar? WEBINAR???? You stupid @#$@$#%ing @#$^%$#@ @#webinar? WEBINAR???? You stupid @#$@$#%ing @#$^%$#@ @#$&*&&*^# **&^$%#$&$@. Sorry mom.
amp;*&&*^# **&^$%#webinar? WEBINAR???? You stupid @#$@$#%ing @#$^%$#@ @#$&*&&*^# **&^$%#$&$@. Sorry mom.
amp;$@. Sorry mom.

Hey, are there any other little word plays that piss you off? There are hundreds out there. Tell me which ones are exquisitely painful for you.

Update: My friend Joe points out that I use the word "biatch". Apparently.
"...the urban dictionary thinks you are an annoying, white, teenage girl.
Word originally created by gangstas, but sumhow [sic] used by every single spoiled white girl in America."



  1. Although it doesn't really fit any of your categories, the use of the word "yummier" in a Wendy's commercial a while ago pissed me off. I believe they said something about chicken and fresh vegetables being "yummy" and the combination of the two being "even yummier!"
    Perhaps the fact that the lady on the commercial sounded as though she were speaking to a bunch of 5-year-olds contributed to my annoyance.

  2. This from someone who's favorite flavors are Americone Dream and One Whirled Peace...

  3. Ah, I get it, I get it... but I do vomit in my mouth as I read the labels. As for yummier, hm, it is an irritating comparitive... but I haven't seen the ad..
