Saturday, December 20, 2008

Speaking of the layman's view of scientists...

Don't you think they should just stop funding studies that look at correlation of coffee intake with breast size? I mean, I'm tired of studies becauase:

a. They really just look at correlations; no cause/effect, no mechanistic explanation for anything.
b. They're usually small studies and the statistics are usually marginal, which means that it could have well been just a fluke
c. Very often, some other publicity-seeking "scientific" study looked at the same, or a very similar question and came up with a different conclusion, which leads to
d. A general feeling of mistrust in the public. Come on, admit it, how often have you had non-scientists give you an example like the one I cited, and then point out that two years previously there was another study that said the exact opposite, and that therefore all of this was b.s anyway?

I don't know, I think the studies are useless (no one is going to increase/decrease their coffee intake so that they can alter their bust size), and they permit a certain cynicism about science in the lay population, which is unhelpful.

Oh, and in case you didn't follow the link, more than three cups a day will shrink your boobies apparently.

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