Friday, December 19, 2008


I know this is old, old news now, but its good enough to watch again and again. And again.

Couple things about this:

1. Pretty awesome aim dude. That was going right AT his noggin.
2. REALLY awesome reflexes dude. For a sixty year old. (As Leno said, the only thing he dodged so successfully was the draft. Ha.)
3. Life is going to be hell for the next few days/weeks/months, or for however long the journalist gets in jail. Oh sure, he's a hero to the people, but he totally embarrassed the crap out of Maliki.

All humour aside, how embarrassing. The guy goes out for his victory lap (mischaracterizing his administration's role in this fiasco all the way), and he gets a shoe in the face. It is painful to see how low this idiot has allowed the Office of the Presidency to fall. Really, really sad.

Oh, and I hope that there's more to follow. A shoe in the face may be nice and cathartic and all that, but what we need is people (not just a lame-ass "independent commission" which will probably let them off with a slap on the wrist) to systematically pick apart all that has happened in the past few years and go after these assholes and bring them to justice. And then start the work of reversing all the damage that has been done.

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