Friday, November 28, 2008

Terror in Mumbai - things are still unresolved

I had written a long post about the latest, but then Com-#$@*ing-cast screwed up and I lost my connection. This is ridiculous.

Anyways, what I was saying is that things are completely vague on location, no one really knows what is happening on the ground, there are people talking their heads off with various theories, and there is a tasteless sensationalizing of an already bad situation in the Indian media. This is awful. You cannot shove a mic in someone's face when they've just lost a relative, or when they've just been rescued from a hostage situation. There was one channel where they actually bookended each segment with a graphic that screamed "TERROR IN MUMBAI!!!" that literally exploded in a fireball. Ugh.

Apparently though, all that intimate coverage (with details about rescue plans and commando positions) were on delayed transmission. Also the electricity at some of the places was cut and phone lines jammed. I'm not so sure about the latter, but apparently this is the case, so the terrorists couldn't find out exactly where these guys were just by flicking on the TV. Still, *way* too much detail, and *way* too little crowd control. 

But the situation still hasn't ended. They keep saying it has, or that its close to winding down, and then it flares up again, so I really don't know. We'll see how this goes down, but at the end, the Indian media needs to look in the mirror and do a critical assessment of how it handles situations like these. 

On the other hand, CNN has a link up called "India 101". You know, for those who want to know a little more about a country that has 17% of the worlds population and is the worlds largest democracy. Apparently its not a country full of Appus, elephants and snake charmers. 

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