Saturday, November 29, 2008

Terror in Mumbai - settling down and questions

So it does look like things are settling down; the bad guys have either been killed or have gotten away. I hope the cops hunt them down. And there's one guy I hear who was arrested. His ass is toast. As it should be. Indian cops, if you don't know, don't play good cop, bad cop. They play bad cop, sadist cop. (For a revealing look at how the police works in Mumbai, read "Maximum City" by Suketu Mehta)

1. How solid is the evidence that these people indeed came from Pakistan and Banglasdesh?
2. Who are the kingpins and the planners behind this?
3. Where did the money and the logistics come from?
4. Was there inside help? If so, from whom?

And of course, 
5. Where does the government go from here.

We'll see where all this leads...

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