Sunday, November 2, 2008

Answer of the day. W. O. W.

So we're at this Peruvian restaurant, and I order this appetizer that's basically boiled corn served with slabs of cheese. The cheese has an nice unfinished, cottage-y taste to it, and I'm curious, so I ask the waitress:

Q: So what kind of cheese is this? Where is it from?

A: Uh, its from a big brick of cheese. We just cut it up.

Now, at this clear indication of a single digit IQ, I should've stopped. But me being me, I persist.

Q: No, I mean, where does the cheese come from?

A: Uh... you mean... (light bulb flashes above her head) Oh, I see. We get the cheese from a distributor. They deliver it to the restaurant.

Thank you for your insight. Now let me stab myself in the eyeball with this fork.

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