Saturday, September 13, 2008

Soymilk makes you a woman

Well, not really, but I was buying my multivitamins today (btw, don't waste your money on the cheap stuff. It does you no good. I have special things in my tablets that make my prostate shrink and everything else grow).

So, there was this dude buying whey protein, and I asked him why not Soy. He looks at me horrified, as says : "That shit makes you a woman man, there's estrogen in that shit!"

I do have v patchy hair growth and a less-than-manly voice, so I was most mortified. I looked it up. Well, soy *does* have phytoestrogens, and at high doses, does indeed cause a transient upregulation in thyrotropin in men; long term effects are somewhat uncertain, but can lower thyroid output. Hm.

More rice milk, then.

Oh, and since I'm a dork, here's the ref:

Short-term effect of soy consumption on thyroid hormone levels and correlation with phytoestrogen level in healthy subjects.

Hampl R et al, Endocr. Regul 2008

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