Thursday, May 7, 2009

A little thing about humor...

You know they all say the most important thing about humor is timing? Sure, that may indeed be the case, but you know something that a lot of people don't talk about, which IS really important to be funny?

You need to know what the lifetime of a joke is.

And you'd be surprised how elusive this little bit of knowledge is. Think about it - how many times have you heard someone say something, then realize that it's moderately funny because people around titter politely, and then MAKE THE SAME DAMN JOKE OVER AND OVER AND OVER? Yeah, it's pretty fucking irritating, isn't it? Like the dude who does the appu accent in your presence. Constantly. Yeah, knock it of dude. It was funny the first seventeen times, and then not really funny. And that's just the one example. I constantly have to deal with people who aren't funny but think they are (these are few; most of the people I work with are sane, and fortunately moderately funny)

So I ask you, pushupreaders: What do you tell someone to make them stop?


  1. Are you hanging out w/ Dane Cook again?

  2. If this guy is caucasian, try Dave Chappelle's stereotypical white man voice in response to his Apu immitation. He might be confused at first, but after the third or fourth time he'll start to get the point..

  3. Dane Cook came up with this? Ouch. Of all the people...

    I did try a southern drawl in response, but my weird half-brit half-FOB accent messes with it, so end up sounding like prince charles after a stroke...
