Saturday, January 3, 2009

Nice New Year Wishes

From reader Sparun, who obviously lives and thinks on a more elevated plane than I do.

> _a new year prayer_
> may our each day be wholesome
> and may we enrich lives around us.
> may we see things as they are -
> beyond good and bad
> beyond joy and hardship
> beyond our strivings;
> may this perspective
> make us naturally tolerant
> kindhearted as grandmothers
> dignified as kings.
> may we strive hard for our goals
> and yet never be disappointed
> at where we currently are -
> for how we get there
> is more important than what we aim for.
> may we write others' good deeds in stone
> and their harsh ones in the sand.
> may we nurture a beautiful mind
> and may it give us joy forever.
> here's wishing you and your family a beautiful new year.

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