Friday, January 2, 2009

Movie Reviews

OK, so someone told me that writing movie reviews (I see a few) might be fun.

Gran Torino. Watch.

The Spirit. Skip.



  1. Booo-urns. At least tell people why you think (wrongly) that they should skip The Spirit. For example, here are some reasons why people shouldn't skip it:
    1) It was a good comic-book movie. Maybe we've had so many of those recently that people no longer appreciate the campiness of the newsprint-turned-celluloid. The film is based off of a 1940's comic, so its even cheesier than most of what we've seen recently. Bam Zoop Wap! might as well be printed on the screen for the fight scenes. Maybe this isn't a positive for everyone...
    2) It was funny as hell. There's the Shep-level stupid clones, the Octopus' hatred of eggs and the free-range chickens that lay them, the somewhat mannish rookie female cop from Baltimore...
    3) It wasn't complicated. Some movie critic online said he couldn't follow the plot. Really?!?! And you review modern cinema?!?! Sand Serif and Octopus are both trying to steal the same treasure. The end up with the pieces that the other one wants. The Spirit is trying to stop the Octopus and figure out how Serif is involved... Maybe you were distracted by
    4) Tons of hot chicks. Kedar, why are you telling people to skip a movie with Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson, and Paz Vega wearing next-to-nothing the whole movie? Porn is free, but not many of us have a 50' screen.

  2. Well...
    1. Yes, too cheesy for me
    2. The clone humor (and egg humor) wore thin after the 75th time
    3. Agreed, it wasn't complicated; but the switching back and forth between purely comic book tableaux and realistic imagery was jarring.
    3a. But you have to agree, the movie sagged in the middle, some of the humor was out of place, and Gabriel Macht gives a fantastically wooden performance.

    oh and 4. Definitely agree about the scantily clad hot chicks. That was indeed awesome.
