Saturday, January 31, 2009

Best Indian Movie Fight scene. EVER.

Now, I just happened to notice a list of 9 lamest fight scenes ever on blogfaction; not surprisingly, there are not one, but TWO Indian Fight scenes. And coming in at #1, the BEST movie fight scene according to the list is...

(I know they call it lamest, but I'm beaming with pride at an Indian movie coming at #1 at anything. In my mind, that makes it the best, by default.)

With due respect to the list (and it is a good one), I have a personal favorite. Maybe because it's in my language, and you have the added bonuses of poetry, dance and traditional music. Plus the most handsome man in Tamil movies, T R. Don't miss the acrobatic showboating before each fight. And the most AWESOME taunt EVER towards the end:

Vaadaa yen machchi,
Vaazhakkaa bajji,
won odambe pichchi
potuduven bajji

Which translates to:

Come on my friend
Plantain tempura
I'll tear your body
and fry it into a tempura.

I'm overwhelmed...

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