Friday, January 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann's damning summation of 8 years of Bush

Today at about 5:30, it dawned on me that the last working day of the Bush admin had ended. We were done. We were done with this administration. Its over. Sure there will be issues in the future, and not all is going to be rosy for the Obama administration. And yes, there will be a time, should be a time, when we look back at these past eight years and bring all those who broke the law in the Bush admin to justice.

But today, all I felt was a huge wave of relief wash over me. It really was like someone had lifted a weight off my chest. I felt like I could breathe again, just a little...


  1. I've lived every second of the f'n Bush administration but I had to watch that video twice. I've actually forgotten most of his atrocities there's been so many.

  2. Exactly. When people say "Clinton" and "scandal" in the same thing, what do you think of? Just one thing: Monica Lewinsky. With this guy, there's just so many that I worry that we'll end up sweeping a lot of them under the rug for lack of time/political will/being overwhelmed...
