Monday, January 12, 2009

The best Indian song in English. EVER.

Following the happiness I (and apparently a few others) derived from seeing the best Indian movie dialog in English. EVER. , I thought I'd follow it up with this immortal hit from Kannade movie super star Rajkumar. If your ears bleed, you've been warned. Bonus: Try to decipher the English. For every complete line you get right, drink. (you'll stay sober all night.)

Update: For the best buffalaxed song, EVER, you've got to see this. Though i you live in the North East, you've probably seen this video on a weekend morning on your Desi/Indian channel...

(h/t reader JC)

Update 2: There *is* a small issue that I have with Buffalaxed songs - I understand the real words, and that really messes up the bilingual homonymy.

Update 3: The text edit just underlined homonymy. What the... ???? Philistines.


  1. Sorry, but THIS is the best Indian song in English (kind of):


  2. I think this is the bees knees

  3. dude,
    you ain't seen nothin yet. youtube "benny lava" and enjoy :)
