Sunday, January 25, 2009

How to make money from your old car - without selling it

So my roommate's car got hit - for the THIRD time in just a bit more than a year - the other day; apparently it was this 18 year old girl, who chose to pay money instead of involving the insurance companies (smart move I think. Or she didn't have insurance...)

Either way, this guy got quotes; fixing the mirror and getting a paint job is going to set the woman back by $1,100 (!!!); of course, this guy is going to fix the mirror himself and pocket the rest. No, no, not because he's a jerk - my room mate is a great dude, but because the car is a bucket of bolts and it isn't worth paying to have one panel all gleaming white when the rest of the car is a weatherbeaten deathtrap. (The weatherbeaten deathtrap also transports me every week to the grocery store and other places, so I really shouldn't dis it. But I have noticed that the traffic does part in front of us on the highway - sort of like the Red Sea in front of Moses - in fear of flying car parts and the ear-splitting roar of our rusty cylinders...)

My point though, is that this seems to me to be a great way of making money off of nice people - park your car inconveniently and hope for it to get side-swiped. Of course, you need to keep a couple things in mind:

1. You can only get away with this shit if the car is in bad shape to start off with.
2. Hope that you get hit by nice people. I must mention here that my room mate has been hit a total of at least seven times (that is immediately visually obvious). But still three out of seven, resulting in $3,400 isn't too bad...

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