Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wanker of the day (sorry Atrios)

Sean Hannity.

he is a wanker and constantly fluffs his man, McCain. But this is ridiculous. On his show today, he had Meghan McCain, and puts up an old Obama ad (the one where they poke fun at the fact that McCain has admitted that he doesn't know how to use a computer). And the he berates Obama for having made fun of McCain, adding: "Lets see you fly a fighter plane, Obama!", since, clearly, flying a fighter plane is an absolute prerequisite for becoming Commander-in-Chief.

And then he adds: "Well, Meghan, your dad can't use a computer because of the wounds he sustained as a prisoner of war in Vietnam."

WHAATTT??? YOU... YOU... (my mum reads this blog, so alas, there's only so much I can say). Beyond belief. I'll try to embed the clip if I get it.

Here is the transcript of the whole exchange (h/t aselya)


  1. He can't type because the NVA broke all or many of his fingers, so typing causes him too much pain.

  2. He seems just fine when he does all that pointing. My dad types with two fingers. Sorry, just doesn't cut it. There's a difference between "he doesn't write long emails that often" and "he doesn't know how to use a computer".

  3. Wow, random comments! I like! I have to agree with anonymous. No one's asking McCain to type in 1000 pages a day. Having a basic idea about how a computer works and being able to send a few emails a day does not require houdini-like dexterity...

  4. Here's the transcript: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/10/interview_with_meghan_mccain.html
    He should really get life long Wanker status. Pretty much every interview he does has AWESOME parts like that. I imagine he drinks himself to sleep at night and has fitful dreams of dressing up in a chainmail bikini for Rupert Murdoch's pleasure barge...
