Saturday, October 11, 2008

My foot's all torn up

So I had an accident today. I was heading down to Carder rock to do some climbing today with my buddies; I was wearing sandals to I could slip in and out of my climbing shoes quickly. Well, as we were heading down the trail, I was regaling the group with some story, and I tripped. I somehow stepped awkwardly onto a little sharp tree stump, and it tore the crap out of my toe. Funnily, it didn't hurt too much, and didn't bleed all that much either. Until I took a look at it. I could see bone.

Yeah, didn't feel too good.

Anyways, Darren took me to a local ER (more about the hospital later), where this extremely attractive doctor and nurse pair did the following:

1. Looked at my wound.

2. Cleaned the crap out the wound.

3. Injected me with a gigantic dose of lidocaine.

4. And then proceeded to actually pick out bits of tree stump (organic debris is what they called it) from the wound.

5. The wound is now clean.

They then bandaged it up, gave me a boot and crutches. And some antibiotics (hello diarrhea) and ibuprofen for good measure. The thing is too big to stitch up, so I get to go to a foot surgeon next week where he'll probably do something to it. I'll keep you posted. I'm doing well though.

6. Happy ending. Or not...

Sorry I don't have photos of the pretty doc and nurse. Darren was clearly way more interested in the bloody foot.


  1. Ok, that was a painful series of photos. Seriously painful. It is only a matter of time before you actually lose an appendage. I'm not wishing harm on's just a fact.

  2. Kedar, I've seen the toe. Now when are you going to first post about the damn dog so I can release some of my vitriolic anger in a way that doesn't endanger the dogs well being?
    p.s. I still want to see them close the toe up
    p.p.s. we can always go back to the hospital and request pictures with your doctor

  3. Yikes, thats look pretty bad dude =P

  4. Well... atleast it was only your middle toe...
    Your middle finger wouldve paralyzed your swearing-by-sign-language capability...
    but as always, my sympathies are with ya!
