Thursday, October 9, 2008

I think I'm dying

I just realized today what a good thing it is that bleach smells the way it does. Now, some genius (at Pfizer I think) decided to make an equally noxious disinfectant called Roccal - that kills at least 23 different types of microbe, they proudly proclaim - which smells like, uh, Roccal. It doesn't quite smell like roses, but the point is, it doesn't feel god-awful as you BREATHE IN LUNGFULS of the shit.

I used it today in a closed room today. Didn't smell anything except for the mild aroma of Roccal. So I continue to do my work, and then it starts feeling as if some one's scratching the insides of my lungs. First its a gentle itchy feeling, and then it's Oh-Jesus-my-lungs-are-on-fire. I mean, this thing very soon felt like it was liquifying my lungs from the inside out. It sucked big time. My pleural cavity feels like its been through a meat grinder. I'm somewhat better now, but I can't help thinking I've shaved off a good ten years off of my life.

Yeah, moral of the story: Don't stick around too long when you're disinfecting something in a closed room.

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