Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hiking on the Appalachian Trail

I think this will go viral as a new idiom:

"Hey Joe, where's that report you were supposed to submit today?"
"Er... I went hiking on the Appalachian trail..."

Or even better:
"What the fuck Joe, where's that report you were supposed to submit today? Did you go hiking on the fucking Appalachian trail???"

Of course, for those of you who don't know what's happening, I am of course referring to Mark Sanford's sad saga. Poor republicans. For being the party of moral values, they sure are finding it real hard to keep the snake in their pants. Bloody hypocrites. So yeah Sanford? You can go to hell. Oh one more thing: awful penmanship. Those letters make me want to puke.

And finally, apologies for those who thought this was about, you know, the Appalachian trail. Here is a post from a while back that may help.

1 comment:

  1. At least a republican was caught having sex with a woman this time
