Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix at Letterman last night

Did you see this? I mean, WHAT IS THIS GUY SMOKING??? Dude, I've heard your hip hop music/rap or whatever bullshit shtick you're trying to pull, and it SUCKS BALLS, ok? I thought it was one big long documentary that you were making, and you'll eventually tell everyone it was a big joke and you were poking fun at the hypocrisy of hollywood (honestly, a small part of me still hopes it is, because you're a good actor and surely, you know better than to throw it all away).

But now you're either persisting in playing everyone (in which case, please stop, it's gotten tiresome), or you are genuinely completely screwed up, decided that you aren't going to do something that you're good at, and do something that you're fucking god-awful at (in which case, back to the top, WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING???).

I usually don't give a crap about self-absorbed, directionless, completely vain and vapid Hollywood types; but then again, they usually don't come on Letterman completely stoned and end up looking this pathetic.

Watch it - it's painful, but watch it.

Bonus video (h/t anon. reader):
Jon Stewart hands BillO his ass on a platter. Sweet.


  1. I'm so glad you blogged this. I was confused the entire time I was watching thinking "Wtf? That can't be him." I really thought it was a joke- he didn't even look like himself! And the jacked up shades? He *must* have been on something.

    Ha, and he asked Dave what the audience was on. Still, I hope he's okay. This really didn't seem like him at all.

  2. Nope, it didn't. What is with all these celebrities, man? If it isn't drugs, its weird religions. Or adopting children. Or breast-feeding them.

  3. interestingly, Joaquin Phoenix's appearance on Letterman looked a lot like his acting on Walk the Line, when he (Johnny Cash) was scraping bottom

  4. He's totally acting...Ben Affleck's little brother (Casey) is filming a documentary on it. It's going to be another 'Borat'. I don't think he looked stoned as much as he looked pissed that no one was taking his hip-hop story seriously. All part of the act!
