Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Climategate" destroyed.

I've had to deal with people asking me about climategate for a few days now, and to be honest, I wasn't *quite* able to convince myself that I was giving them a succinct argument as to why this whole made-up conspiracy was just that - made-up.

And then I came across this video, that in 10 short minutes absolutely destroys the whole argument. Fortunately, it looks like it's made by someone who understands the science and has linked to the original papers in question. Note also that there are no excuses made for Jones hiding data. But it should be noted that there's just a wee bit of a difference between one scientist talking about withholding data in an email, and the entire scientific community fabricating a global phenomenon over several decades.

So, the next time someone badgers you about the global warming conspiracy, don't slap your forehead (or their face). Hit them with this video instead.


  1. WHY would the entire scientific community fabricate a global phenomenon over several decades? Seriously? It certainly doesn't fit the scientist's M.O. How are you going to get all of them to do it, successfully, over 10s of years?

    You're not.

  2. Absolutely. And even if there was this evil scheme with the aim to reduce emissions and come up with alternate sources of energy (woo... scary), there is no way we could orchestrate the entire thing over so long. It's rough enough trying to organize journal club between neighboring labs, so how the hell... oh, never mind. The jackasses are convinced, what do you do, except grit your teeth and go through the data patiently over and over. and OVER.
